Woork – A must follow blog for Web developers

Posted July 1st, 2009 by Ashwin and filed in Programming, Software Freelancing
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I came across the blog – Woork – by Antonio Lupetti a few months back.  It is one of the blogs that can catch your attention almost instantly.

Nowadays, when I am stuck on something during my web development projects – like choosing a font, implementing Captcha or some AJAX controls – I instantly look up to WoorkThere is a good 90% probability that you will find the relevant information there.

Just thought of sharing this info with you.  Let me know if it helps…

Google Software Construction Toolkit for your Cross-Platform build needs [Programming]

Posted February 14th, 2009 by Ashwin and filed in Programming
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Google has released the Google Software Construction Toolkit for building applications across platforms.  Using this toolkit, you can use a single “makefile” shared between all platforms – Windows, Mac and Unix.

This toolkit is written in Python and uses the Open Source SCons build tool.  The toolkit is Open Source and can be used easily for building open source projects.  Also, support is provided for parallel builds on multiple platforms.