BITS and IAS – A nice combo!!

Posted May 14th, 2009 by Ashwin and filed in General
Tags: , bits and ias, bitsians

I learned through my friend Tub (Balajikumara) about a few well known Bitsians making it to the top in the UPSC Civil Services examinations.  Bitsians have left their mark all over and IAS cannot be an exception.

You can read more about this here -

It is heartening to see so many great minds coming up to serve the nation, throwing away lucrative corporate offers.  Hats off to them…

P.S. – Bitsians refer to the renowned products (a.k.a. ex-students) of BITS Pilani in India

Firefox Prism – I love it so much!!

Posted May 12th, 2009 by Ashwin and filed in Web 2.0
Tags: , ,

I heard about Prism sometime back, but did not manage to try it until I read this post from Digital Inspiration.

Prism helps you create desktop shortcuts for your favorite websites, so that you can access them much like the regular desktop applications (Gears, eh!).  I love it primarily for a single reason – the minimalist and clean browser interface it offers without the toolbar, bookmarks bar etc.

Here is a snapshot of how my Google Reader looks with Prism…


Isn’t it so clean!  Try it with your favorite websites and I am sure you will love it.

Get the Firefox plug-in for Prism