I know what you are thinking. This topic has been debated around the blogosphere, for a while now. Why another post? Because, still I find many Twitter users don’t make the full use of a powerful platform. This post is a collection of “straight to the point” tips on making your Twitter life better.
1. Choose the right Twitter Name
If you are into Consulting Business, how would it sound if your Twitter name is @playboyhere? Ridiculous, right! But, I still find many of my followers have unrelated and tongue-twisting names.
If you are into a Business and using Twitter as a Marketing tool – better use your Business Name. Otherwise, a Brand Name or a Personal Name (for personal accounts) should do in most cases. Avoid using awkward and irrelevant names which might drive followers to unsubscribe!
2. Create a Professional Twitter Background
Default backgrounds that Twitter provide is good in most cases. But if you are trying to Market or build a Brand, I would suggest going for a professional Background.
Check out this excellent “Mashup” post from Mashable on different Twitter Background creation options. I personally prefer the Free Twitter Designer online tool to design attractive images.
Always, I can help you with Background design at costs as low as $5! Contact me here
3. Use Your Photo or Business Logo as the Profile picture (No Obscenity!)
I think the title conveys the message. Use a pleasing photo of either yourself or your Business logo. This goes a long way in building a brand around you or the Business. When readers visit the Blog or Website with the same picture, they can correlate things better.
For that matter of fact, I would recommend using the same picture or “gravatar” across all social tools to better Brand building.
4. Take care while writing your Bio
Twitter lets you use 160 characters for the Bio. Make the best use of it. Write something relevant about you or the Business. It should be crisp but convey the relevant message.
Simple but not crunchy
We help you to manage the finances effectively with the help of best-in-class managers and accountants
Better usage of words and terse
We manage your Finances like a Pro with a best-in-class Team
5. Follow people Wisely
A higher number of Followers and the people you follow, doesn’t really matter if you or your Business brand don’t go up. If the number of Followers really fascinate you – use Twitter Search and tools like Hootsuite, TweetDeck etc. to group the followers. This helps in grasping the important messages and don’t lose them in the ocean.
6. Retweet and Promote People. They in turn help you!
Retweeting is a simple mechanism to promote messages sent by others. It could be a product or idea they are trying to promote, a help needed or an important message to be spread around. In any case, if you find it real and not-spammy, retweet it to your followers. This can have positive impacts on your brand too!
This covers most of the essential basics with Twitter Usage. What do you think are the best practices with Twitter? Shoot your thoughts as comments. I can also help you with Twitter Strategies. Feel free to get in touch.
Photo Credit: respres
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