iPhone for $99?

December 9th, 2008 Comments Posted in Technology

A couple of days back the news was out that Wal-Mart will sell iPhone for $99. But now, the dust seems to have settled and this was yet another rumor. (I hear you shouting that the Post title was misleading… Sorry about that) The real news however is:

Wal-Mark will sell iPhone for $197 (2 dollars less), including the contract discount

Also, there is a nice post on whether an iPhone for $99 is good or bad. This is a really nice one and you should not miss it.  Popular arguments sway between the cheapened iPhone brand and reaching a different set of audience.

But I feel the price tag on iPhone in India, at 35000 INR (approx 700$+) is way too high.  iPhone has a wonderful web experience and can gain greater popularity once 3G is available in India.   Though Apple is not looking at a greater market share, a reduction in price is sure to attract a lot more net savvy Indians towards the iPhone.  What ya say?