Beware of these 3 Sales Paralysis!

Do you know that among 100% of the Prospective Internet Marketers, who dream and plan about a Product, just less than 10% Manage to get their First Product out?  This has absolutely nothing to do with their Capabilities or Skills in Building the Product and getting it out.  They are stung by these “3 Sales Paralysis”!

So what are these “3 Sales Paralysis”, that keeps more than 90% of Internet Marketers in coming out with a Product!

#1: The “Awesomeness” Paralysis

Awesome Products Sell.  There is no doubt about that, with anyone among us.  But it’s absolute NOT True, that “Only” Awesome Products Sell.

Your Product is NOT measured by:

How Awesome it is?

But, it is measured by:

The Usefulness.  The Value it adds to the Customer.  The Reliability.  The Stability and so on.

So you get this right?  Awesomeness is “awesome”.  But you don’t have to be Awesome to get your First Product out.

Get out of the “Awesomeness” Paralysis and start ticking off the Other Values your Product provide.

#2: The “Comparison” Paralysis

Whatever Market you are in, it is not the same anymore, as it was a Few Years ago.  There are many people creating Similar Products, almost every day and there is so much Competition out there.

It is natural to Compare your Products to that of the Competitors.  But don’t let this “take you down”.

For example, you come up with an Idea and Start Building your Product.  When you are half way through, an “unknown competitor” shelves out a Similar Product that attracts instant Buyers (at least you see the traction!).  It is possible, that you Start Comparing the Product with yours, try to get in Similar Features and sometimes, Start losing Motivation.

Never let this happen to you.

Use this Comparison in a Positive Way – to Polish and Fine Tune your Product.

Focus on your Product.  Use the Comparison to Fine Tune your Product.  But never let the “Comparison” Paralysis take you down!

#3: The “Analysis” Paralysis

I have this as the last one.  But in fact, this is the most Common Paralysis among the 90% of the “No Starters”.

You get an Idea.  You Analyze the Market.  You Analyze the Feasibility.  You Analyze the Customers.  Meanwhile, you get another “killer” Idea.  And the whole process starts again!

Does it sound like you?  Then you are a victim of the “Analysis” Paralysis!

Analysis is Essential.  But it should not happen for “ever”.  Analyze a few essential factors and then get on with the Next Steps.

If you are out of “Analysis” Paralysis, then chances are about 50% High that you will get the Product Out!

A Recap

Here are 3 Sales Paralysis that keep more than 90% of Prospective Internet Marketers (yes) out of the Market:

  • The “Awesomeness” Paralysis
  • The “Comparison” Paralysis
  • The “Analysis” Paralysis

Make sure not to be paralyzed by any of these!

What I want you to do?

  • Write just “One” thing that Prevents you from Creating your First Product – as a comment to this post
  • Also, write “One” more thing that can help you overcome the Hurdle and create your First Product – in your comment

An Example comment could be, I lack the Skills to Create this Product and an Online Training can solve my Problem

Looking forward to knowing about it and how I can help you!

Photo Credit: chego101

I will Buy whatever Mr. XYZ Sells!

Can you think of One Person according to you, who will fit the “Mr. XYZ” in this title?  I am sure you have at least One Name, that fits! Something that all Big Sellers have is a group of Loyal Supporters and Promoters, who will Buy and Promote whatever they Sell.

Let’s look at 3 Main attributes of these Big Sellers that make this a reality!


Buyers trust these Big Sellers.  They trust their Big Promises.  They trust their Concepts.  They trust their Products.  They trust their Words.

How do they build this “Trust”?

One thing for sure – it doesn’t happen overnight or in a weekend.  The Trust is built around them essentially because:

  • They are “doers”. People never trust anyone who just talks and never does anything
  • They are “consistent”. People trust anyone who delivers awesome and useful content, time after time
  • They are “open”. Big Sellers are open in their selling strategy.  They tell you exactly what you get out the products and what you will not
  • They are “ethical”. People never trust a Seller, who is unethical and looking for “all means” to sell their product


The second main reason to have repeat Customers, is Quality!

Quality is measured by the usefulness and reliability of the Product, every time it is used.

These Big Sellers take big care of maintaining high levels of Quality within every product they Sell.  They make it a mandate to deliver nothing Short of High Quality!

It is key to produce and sell Quality Products, for Customers to come back to you and buy anything that you Sell.


Whatever high the quality may be, the Customers need support.  The support needs may be various:

  • Bugs
  • Usage Problems
  • Training
  • Customization
  • Enhancements
  • Upgrades and so on…

The Big Sellers always have a sound support framework, around every product they Sell.  Usually, there are 2 Models of Support Framework, commonly used:

  • Forum based Support – Build a Forum of Users, Developers and Owners.  Provide support via Forum Posts
  • Dedicated Support – Maintain a Support team who can address the Support needs on individual basis

Often, a hybrid approach (a combination of Forum based + Dedicated) is also used, in case of High Volume Products.

Big Sellers understand the significance of Support and build a suitable Framework for it.

To Summarize…

To be a Big Seller and have your Buyers buy everything You Sell:

  • Build Trust with your Products
  • Maintain High Levels of Quality
  • Create a Solid Support Framework around all your Products

Leave your comments and let me know what you think about this… I am glad to hear them!

How I deferred my First Product for 3 Months…

and got it done in a Weekend? I wanted to release my first Skin for Thesis Theme, some 3 Months ago. But due to various reasons, I deferred it, almost every day and every week. But… I got it done last weekend, Holy Kaw! I couldn’t just resist sharing with you a few Practical tips, that made it happen!

Divide and Conquer!

One main reason I deferred working on the Product was – the Magnitude! I considered the task of creating a Product and Selling it in the Market as a huge one, that requires a lot of time and effort.

Though this is true, the mindset changes when you “Divide the Major Task into Small Chunks”.

I kept these points in mind, when creating these Small Chunks:

  • Make the Small Chunks – really small.  Each task should never take more than 1 Hour to complete
  • Use a clean and simple Todo tool (I use ) to record these Small Chunks
  • Tick it off, as you complete One Small Chunk – believe me, this gives you an immense level of Motivation!
  • Set a “Lower Limit” on the Number of Small Chunks to complete, in any given day!  (…Unless you do this, you fall in to the same old PIT)

Focus on the Product, Not the Sales!

One another reason to defer work, is being skeptic about the Results or the Returns! Especially, this happens with your first product.

If you feel the Sales are going to be Low, you willll never put in your Best and Be on Time!

Come out of the “Salesman” mindset. Your product may sell like Hot Cakes or Bite the Dust!  But, never mind with your First Product.  Go ahead, focus on the quality and get it out.

The Feel and the Experience of getting your First Product out, is essential for your “Longevity”.  I followed this and focused just on my product, neither the money nor the sales.

Choose a Simple Way to Sell

Don’t complicate yourself with setting up a Shopping Cart on your Site, Configuring Paypal and blah blah…  Use a really simple way, to setup and start selling in minutes!

My recommendation to you, with eyes closed is –

You can get started with E-Junkie, setup your product and sell it in less than 30 Minutes.  Believe me, I did that.

Instead of writing another post on How to use, I will point you to a neat article by Dave Navarro – How to Use to Sell your Stuff

Ignore the Competition and “Super” Perfection

Not Always!  Just for your First Product.  Once you start comparing your Product with the competition, you start “Striving for Perfection”.  Never, ever do that.

It’s O.K. to be “Not So Perfect”, but “Getting out there and Selling”

Many people, work all along for Perfection and miss the “Big Launch”.  Beware of the “Perfrection” trap and get out in the Market, with more than Minimum acceptable Quality! But make sure the Product is usable – otherwise it loses the whole purpose.

To Summarize…

  • Divide your Major Task or Product in to “really” Small Chunks
  • Focus on the Product Creation, Not on Sales or Results
  • Choose a very Simple Way to Sell
  • Ignore the Competition and “Super” Perfection

What Next?

If you have your Own experiences or Tips, share it with me as Comments to this post.  Also, I will be a lot happier, if you can share it with fellow Tweeters – by Retweeting this post!

I am giving away “One Copy of my New Thesis Theme Skin – The Bolder Skin” – for FREE – to One commenter of this Post.  It could be you…

2 Examples of “Solid” Product Launches

How many times have you seen a “mega” successful Product launch, in the recent times?  I am sure – there are many!  I tried to go beyond getting “awed” at the launch of 2 recent “mega” Products and learn a few lessons from them.  Hence this post and I am sure you’ll like this… Read on…
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