Move your Thesis WordPress Blog to another Hosting or Domain

As a Thesis Theme Developer, I handle moving Thesis WordPress Blogs across Test and Production hosting systems almost every week.  In this post, I have detailed the steps you must follow to move a Thesis Powered WordPress across Hosting Systems – in most cases to a different Domain Name.
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Use Thesis Multimedia Box as Affiliate Ads Rotator

Thesis Theme has a nice little Multimedia box, that can be put to use for various purposes.  In this post, I will show you how it can be used as your Affiliate Ads rotator.

And that without writing any code in the Custom files!
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Hide Dates in Old WordPress Posts using Thesis Theme


Hiding the published-on date in old WordPress posts is requested in many Thesis Customizations.  Sometimes this helps in avoiding the content to appear outdated, for the readers of your site.

In this post, I will show you how to hide the date in posts using the Thesis Theme custom files, without the need to tweak any of the core files.  To know how – read on!

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Create a Full-Height Sidebar and Full-Width Navigation Menu in Thesis Theme


Thesis Theme gives you complete freedom in customizing the looks and the behavior of your WordPress Blog.

In this post, I will show you how to make the Sidebar of your Thesis Theme “Full-Height” and the Navigation Menu “Full-width”.  As with the other Thesis Theme tutorials – you will be editing the custom.css and custom_functions.php files.  If you are not sure about these files – please read on and I will give you the step-by-step procedure for getting things done.

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Looks Good Naked Skin – for Thesis 1.6

I keep hearing from Thesis lovers – Can I get the Looks Good Naked Skin for Thesis 1.6?  So to make them all happy – here we go!
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Search Box in Navigation Bar of the Thesis Theme

In this tutorial, we will see how to add the Search Box on the Navigation Bar of the Thesis Theme for WordPress.

Note: This is tested with Thesis Theme version 1.6.  Will not work with the older versions.  Contact me via the Comments section and I will help you!

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Thesis Theme : Setup Pagination on Home Page

In this tutorial, we will see How to Setup Pagination on the Home Page of your Blog or Website running on the Thesis Theme for WordPress.  This will replace the regular “Previous Entries” link that appears at the bottom of your Content Area, just below the Teasers (if you are using them).

What are we trying to create?

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Control Home Page Post Excerpt Content in Thesis Theme

Thesis theme provides an option to display only post excerpts in the home page – but the problem I found was it shows very little content that might not entice the reader.  Also the post header images were gone from the home page.

Then I found a very neat option available with Thesis to control the home page post excerpt content.  You can choose to display whatever you want in the Home Page and let the rest go in to the Post Page.  I know many of you may be already using it, but it is just to the benefit for newbies like me.

1.  Disable the Post Excerpt Display


Thesis provides you an option to display only excerpts in the Home Page.  You can navigate to Admin –> Appearance –> Thesis Options and expand the Posts under the Display Options section.

Since this option doesn’t allow you to control the content displayed and also sometimes the hides the Post Header Image, we disable it for our purpose.

You can also customize the clickthrough text. This decides the Text that will be displayed on the Home Page, for the user to click and get on to the post page.

To keep it simple, I have made it “Read More…”, but you can customize it based on the needs.
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