Though SOPA died (postponed, to be exact) after a slew of protests from Major Internet Websites like Wikipedia, a cloud-based file sharing site was choked to death on 19 January 2012 by FBI on charges of Hosting Pirated Content and Copyright Infringement. This is absolute crap, unless proved otherwise!
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2 More Yahoo! Services see the End of Light!
We all know Yahoo! is struggling and looking at all possible ways to regain things that are lost. As a part of those efforts, 2 more Services from Yahoo! will be suspended shortly – MyBlogLog and SearchPad.
MyBlogLog is community for Bloggers to collaborate and grow their Network and hence the Traffic. It was acquired by Yahoo! way back in 2007. Here’s the content of the shutdown mail from Yahoo!
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Gmail Notifications, just for the Chrome Browser
Google is trying another chance to have their Gmail Users glued to Google Chrome. Google Chat and Gmail Notifications on your desktop are now available, but only on the Chrome Browser.
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