Blogging and Social Media Plan for the Next 1 Year

by Ashwin on September 14, 2009

in Blog Business,General

First I thought of putting this into my Google Docs.  Then, I thought of my Personal Diary.  Finally, I decided to go with my Blog, where I tend to do most of these stuff.  I am sure this post is NOT to bore you, but to let you know, what to expect from Thoughts Unlimited over the next year.

Following are the list of items I intend to do

  • Create at least 15 Pillar Content that goes with the niche of my Blog
  • Release at least 3 eBooks around my Blog’s niche
  • Create at least 1 fully-featured customizable Thesis Theme Skin
  • Create at least 1 high quality FREE WordPress Theme for my readers
  • Weekly Newsletters to summarize and build up on the weekly updates
  • Create a robust Facebook page and build a group around my Blog
  • Create a group of people who not only get something out of my Blog, but are happy enough to spread the word around

I want to use this post as a Vision for Thoughts Unlimited, over the next year.  Let me come back to the same post, 1 year from now, to see where I stand then and what were my mistakes!!

All have a wonderful week ahead!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Ashish Sharma September 16, 2009 at 6:24 am

Wishes you great good luck…. and I am confident that you will achieve your predefined target standards. I likes your blog stuff especially social community related and I am looking forward for it.

Great going.


Ashwin / Thoughts Unlimited September 16, 2009 at 6:35 am

Thanks dude. Nice that you like the blog. Keep visiting often for useful updates


Ashwin / Thoughts Unlimited September 16, 2009 at 6:36 am

Thanks dude. Nice that you like the blog. Keep visiting often for useful updates


teamnirvana September 22, 2009 at 12:44 am

Nice way to keep yourself motivated and aim at the final goal Ashwin. I too hope to do the same, but the professional life surely takes a toll and I dont wanna look like a jackass when I fail to reach a minimum of what I have said earlier.

But, I wish you all the best in further time. I liked the blog and it's cool appeal. Nice theme and a very good quality content.


Ashwin / Thoughts Unlimited September 22, 2009 at 5:48 am

Thanks a lot for your comment. Yes – even I felt the pain when I started. I had a tough time managing the corporate life, blogging and some freelancing too =)

But now I have reached a level where I manage stuff by careful planning and prioritizing. Thanks again – keep visiting for quality stuff.


Ashwin / Thoughts Unlimited September 22, 2009 at 9:48 am

Thanks a lot for your comment. Yes – even I felt the pain when I started. I had a tough time managing the corporate life, blogging and some freelancing too =)

But now I have reached a level where I manage stuff by careful planning and prioritizing. Thanks again – keep visiting for quality stuff.


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