Gandhian ideas have helped forge a box office hit in Bollywood, in the form of Lage Raho Munna Bhai. Now, Udhayan and Pyramid Saimira has tried to replicate this success, in the context of Kollywood. It is to be seen, whether this success formula works out well in the southern part of our country.
Story line [...]
Ayudham Seivom (Tamil) - Review
July 6th, 2008 Comments
Tags: Movie Review · Movies · Tamil
Thirukkural - Adhigaram of the week - 104 Uzhavu(Agriculture)
August 16th, 2007 Comments
Translation in English
Howe’er they roam, the world must follow still the plougher’s team;
Though toilsome, culture of the ground as noblest toil esteem.
Agriculture, though laborious, is the most excellent (form of labour); for people, though they go about
(in search of various employments), have at last to resort to the farmer.
The ploughers are the linch-pin of the [...]
Tags: Tamil · Thirukkural