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Creating a Favicon for your blog in less than 5 minutes [Blog Design]

What is a favicon?
As Wikipedia puts it,
A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a website icon, shortcut icon,url icon, or bookmark icon is a 16×16 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage
In short, a favicon is something that you see on the title bar, at the left corner of a [...]

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Freelance and Guest Writing Opportunities for those Tech Savvy [Blogging]

If you are professional blogger who has taken the first hard step of setting up your own blog and seen some traffic in the process, the next thing to look for is freelance and guest writing opportunities to sharpen your writing skills and become popular in the process.
There are many places around the Web where [...]

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Utilizing the Power of “Retweet”

Going through a post in Mashable, I noticed this cute little Twitter gadget that shows the number of times the item has been “tweeted”.
But another cool part is that – it offers you to “Retweet” it right away by giving a link just below the count.  If you are not a Twitter geek and [...]

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If Serious about Blogging, learn how to Write better [Blogging]

Blogging started as a hobby for few, to share their ideas and interest with the rest of the world.  Still highly popular as a social networking tool, Blogging has evolved into much more than just that.
With Blogs serving as tools for Marketing Products, Spreading Ideas and Disseminating Corporate Information, extreme care is warranted while [...]

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Blogging Plan at Thoughts Unlimited, going forward

Hello to all readers of Thoughts Unlimited. We had a wonderful time so far, but somehow I am unhappy about my blogging routine, schedule and topics.
I did some homework and came up with a plan on how take this blog forward. Following is what in store for all you readers, in the coming [...]

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How to get out of your Personal Credit Crisis? [Personal Finance]

Times are bad and you don’t need a blog post to tell that!
This blog post is all about suggestions for you, to lead a healthy and successful financial life.  By no means this is a comprehensive list, but sure to provide a start.
Beware of Credit Cards !!

Credit Cards are very useful and at [...]

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Get your Blog Comments to Facebook via Comments Box [Blogging]

If you haven’t setup the Facebook Connect for your blog, here is one good reason to do so.  
Facebook has launched the social widget for Facebook Connect, the Comments Box. Using this, you Blog’s Facebook readers can comment on posts or other content, and these comments can be published in Facebook as a Feed.

It [...]

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Google Software Construction Toolkit for your Cross-Platform build needs [Programming]

Google has released the Google Software Construction Toolkit for building applications across platforms.  Using this toolkit, you can use a single “makefile” shared between all platforms – Windows, Mac and Unix.
This toolkit is written in Python and uses the Open Source SCons build tool.  The toolkit is Open Source and can be used easily for [...]

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Fast Forward – Its kinda StumbleUpon with the flavor of Amazon [Firefox add-ons]

Fast Forward is a Firefox add-on that provides recommendations on the similar web pages that are most visited by readers, who visited the current web page you are in.
As they claim on their add-on page:
It’s like Amazon recommendations for webpages. “People who viewed this page also viewed this next…”
At all times, the Fast Forward button [...]

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