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An Impressive Profile I found out – Thanks to the Google Blog!

by Ashwin

in Uncategorized

Today when I was skimming through the Official Google Blog in my RSS reader, I came upon a post by Dr. T. V. Raman. This intrigued me to navigate on to his profile.

He has done and achieved many things, especially in the areas of speech recognition and enhancing the electronic experience of visually challenged. Currently, he is with Google as a Research scientist. I loved his PhD thesis work on ASTER, which is a computing system for producing audio renderings of electronic documents.

I always had a fascination to work on similar topics, NLP and Speech-enabling the Web. I am browsing through his other publications and works, which leaves me awe struck! Thanks Google for introducing me to Dr. T. V. Raman. His works have kindled a spark in me!!

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