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Web & Mobile Tech

Android Market in 2009

There is a lot to expect in the New Year, with reference to Android Market.
As announced earlier, Android Market will soon allow developers to sell their applications.  This is expected in the Q1 time frame of 2009.   The payment agreement as per the official post, would be 70:30;  developers getting the major share and the [...]

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Windows 7 : Crash handling

Such a crash alert cannot be a surprise for a long time Windows user. This is how Windows has been traditionally handling unexpected application crashes.
Thankfully, Windows 7 may put an end to this unhelpful way of reporting errors. Following is an example Windows 7 Crash alert:

In Windows 7, one can expect an option [...]

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IBM Blue Spruce

IBM is working actively on Blue Spruce, a fully browser based application development platform. To be precise, IBM is NOT working on a brand new browser but on a platform for developing and delivering applications through the existing browsers. This is a direct challenge to Microsoft’s Silverlight and Adobe’s AIR platforms, that aim [...]

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BrowserShots – Test your website appearance across OS and Browsers

Every web developer must have confronted with the need to test the – layout, appearance and behavior – of their web site across Operating systems and browsers. Though the behavior testing requires the physical installation of the browser, the appearance and layouts can be easily tested using BrowserShots, an open source initiative.
BrowserShots takes in [...]

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Windows 7 : Accessibility Improvements

Windows 7 can be expected to have huge improvements, on the accessibility front.  You can read the official post here, on the accessibility features with Windows 7.
In summary:

UI Automation framework introduced with Windows Vista, has been greatly improved.  Now, the UI Automation and the legacy Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) system combine together with a nomenclature [...]

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Can you expect Windows 7 by 2009?

Microsoft, earlier in 2008 has announced that Windows 7, a much needed successor for the troubled Windows Vista, will be released in early 2010.
But, Don Reisinger of CNET News thinks otherwise. In his recent post, he discusses why Windows 7 might hit the shelves in 2009. In a similar note, Microsoft is working [...]

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Windows Live Skydrive

Huge number of online storage services, some completely free and some free to a certain limit, have been burgeoning over the last few years. One such service worth mentioning is, Windows Live Skydrive. To use this service, you must sign up for a Windows Live account, which is a Single-Sign-On for all Windows [...]

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Mozilla Impact – Winners announced

Winners of the Mozilla Impact contest, has been announced. “Fox for all” authored by Phani Kumar Vadrevu and Uttam Byragoni, both BITSians (students of BITS Pilani) has been chosen as the best among 10 final entries for the contest.
Their ideas are truly awesome. I suggest you read the entire proposal and sure you [...]

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